Wat is het effect van Therapeutisch Elastische Kousen, in vergelijking met zwachtelen, op (risico op) trombose, bloeddruk, decubitus bij dwarslaesiepatiënten in de acute fase?




  • Melanie Rink, Verpleegkundige werkzaam bij AmsterdamUMC,
  • Peter Vink, Stafadviseur Kwaliteit & Zorg werkzaam bij Amsterdam UMC

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Stap 1: Ask

Klinisch Scenario


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De Vraag

Stap 2: Acquire

Tabel van Terminologie

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Geïncludeerde Studies

  1. Vereniging van Revalidatieartsen, VRA. (2017) Richtlijn Dwarslaesierevalidatie Richtlijn .
  2. Weidner, N, Müller, OJ, Hach-Wunderle, V, Schwerdtfeger, K, Krauspe, R, Pauschert, R, Waydhas, C, Baumberger, M, Göggelmann, C, Wittgruber, G, Wildburger, R, & Marcus, O. (2020) Prevention of thromboembolism in spinal cord injury -S1 guideline. Neurological research and practice 2 43.
  3. Sachdeva, A, Dalton, M, & Lees, T. (2018) Graduated compression stockings for prevention of deep vein thrombosis. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews 11(11), CD001484.
  4. Tan, B, Xiao, C, Cheng, M, Zhu, Z, Liao, F, Lu, B, Yuan, J, Wei, D, Lv, B, Zhu, J, Huang, C, Tang, X, & Hu, J. (2021) A systematic review and meta-analysis of elastic stockings for prevention of thrombosis after orthopedic surgery. Annals of palliative medicine 10(10), 10467-10474.
  5. Sultan, MJ, Zhing, T, Morris, J, Kurdy, N, & McCollum, CN. (2014) Compression stockings in the management of fractures of the ankle: a randomised controlled trial. The bone & joint journal 96-B(8), 1062-9.
  6. Chin, PL, Amin, MS, Yang, KY, Yeo, SJ, & Lo, NN. (2009) Thromboembolic prophylaxis for total knee arthroplasty in Asian patients: a randomised controlled trial. Journal of orthopaedic surgery (Hong Kong) 17(1), 1-5.

Stap 3: Appraise

De Methodologie