Auteurs: Yvonne , Natalie
Autorisators: Peter Vink


1: (18-11-2022)

2: Cochrane Library (18-11-2022)
Filters: cochrane reviews
'("Vascular Access Devices"[Mesh] OR "Catheterization, Peripheral"[Mesh] OR "Administration, Intravenous"[Mesh] OR "Infusions, Parenteral"[Mesh] OR peripheral OR catheter OR cannula OR intravenous OR infusion) AND (intermittent:ti OR disconnect OR flush*) AND (dislocate* OR "Infections"[Mesh] OR infection OR flebitis OR ("Veins"[Mesh] AND "Infections"[Mesh]) AND (infus*):ti': 19 hits, waarvan 1 geïncludeerd.

3: Medline (PubMed) (18-11-2022)
Filters: systematic reviews
'(periph*[Title]) AND (("Vascular Access Devices"[Mesh] OR "Catheterization, Peripheral"[Mesh] OR "Administration, Intravenous"[Mesh] OR "Infusions, Parenteral"[Mesh] OR peripheral OR catheter OR cannula OR intravenous OR infusion)) AND flush*': 12 hits, waarvan 1 geïncludeerd.

4: Medline (PubMed) (18-11-2022)
Filters: Randomized Controlled Trial
'(periph*[Title]) AND (("Vascular Access Devices"[Mesh] OR "Catheterization, Peripheral"[Mesh] OR "Administration, Intravenous"[Mesh] OR "Infusions, Parenteral"[Mesh] OR peripheral OR catheter OR cannula OR intravenous OR infusion)) AND flush*': 34 hits, waarvan 3 geïncludeerd.

Tabel van Terminologie

Stap 1 & 2

Patient: Intervention: Comparison: Outcome:
Er zijn trefwoorden voor elk (relevant) onderdeel van de PICO.
De trefwoorden zijn zo klein mogelijk.
De trefwoorden passen bij de PICO.
De trefwoorden zijn correct Engels.
Er is correct gebruik gemaakt van MeSH termen.


  1. Kalyn, A, Blatz, S, Pinelli, J. (2000) A comparison of continuous infusion and intermittent flushing methods in peripheral intravenous catheters in neonates. Journal of intravenous nursing : the official publication of the Intravenous Nurses Society 23(3), 146-53.
  2. Keogh, S, Shelverton, C, Flynn, J, Mihala, G, Mathew, S, Davies, KM, Marsh, N, Rickard, CM. (2020) Implementation and evaluation of short peripheral intravenous catheter flushing guidelines: a stepped wedge cluster randomised trial. BMC medicine 18(1), 252.
  3. Keogh, S, Flynn, J, Marsh, N, Mihala, G, Davies, K, Rickard, C. (2016) Varied flushing frequency and volume to prevent peripheral intravenous catheter failure: a pilot, factorial randomised controlled trial in adult medical-surgical hospital patients. Trials 17(1), 348.
  4. Roszell, SS, Rabinovich, HB, Smith-Miller, CA. (2018) Maintaining Short Peripheral Catheter Patency: A Comparison of Saline Lock Versus Continuous Infusion in the Acute Care Setting. Journal of infusion nursing : the official publication of the Infusion Nurses Society 41(3), 165-169.
  5. Schreiber, S, Zanchi, C, Ronfani, L, Delise, A, Corbelli, A, Bortoluzzi, R, Taddio, A, Barbi, E. (2015) Normal saline flushes performed once daily maintain peripheral intravenous catheter patency: a randomised controlled trial. Archives of disease in childhood 100(7), 700-3.
  6. Campbell, SG, Trojanowski, J, Ackroyd-Stolarz, SA. (2005) How often should peripheral intravenous catheters in ambulatory patients be flushed? Journal of infusion nursing : the official publication of the Infusion Nurses Society 28(6), 399-404.