Auteurs: Denice Quik, Eline Lubbers
Autorisators: Peter Vink
1: (19-05-2021)
'bloeddruk': 261 hits, waarvan 0 geïncludeerd.2: Cochrane Library (19-05-2021)
Filters: Cochrane Systematic Reviews'((("blood pressure" AND "measurement") OR "Blood Pressure Determination"[Mesh]) AND ("lateral position" OR "side") AND ("supine position" OR "Supine Position"[Mesh] OR "back")) AND ((reliability OR "Reproducibility of Results"[Mesh]))': 62 hits, waarvan 0 geïncludeerd.
3: Medline (PubMed) (19-05-2021)
'(("blood pressure" AND "measurement") OR "Blood Pressure Determination"[Mesh]) AND ("lateral position" OR "side") AND ("supine position" OR "Supine Position"[Mesh] OR "back")': 29 hits, waarvan 3 geïncludeerd.Tabel van Terminologie
Stap 1 & 2
Patient: Intervention: Comparison: Outcome:Checklist
Nog niet beoordeeld.Bronvermelding
- Cavelaars, M, Tulen, JH, Man in 't Veld, AJ, Gelsema, ES, van den Meiracker, AH. (jaartal ontbreekt) Assessment of body position to quantify its effect on nocturnal blood pressure under ambulatory conditions. Journal of hypertension 18(12), 1737-43.
- Holland, M, Lewis, PS. (jaartal ontbreekt) An audit and suggested guidelines for in-patient blood pressure measurement. Journal of hypertension 32(11), 2166-70; discussion 2170.
- van der Steen, MS, Pleijers, AM, Lenders, JW, Thien, T. (jaartal ontbreekt) Influence of different supine body positions on blood pressure: consequences for night blood pressure/dipper-status. Journal of hypertension 18(12), 1731-6.