Auteurs: Marjolein Groeneveld
Autorisators: Peter Vink, Jannick vd Linden (verpleegkundige, klinisch epidemioloog Catharinaziekenhuis)


1: (01-11-2019)
'delier': 1 hits, waarvan geïncludeerd.

2: Medline (PubMed) (01-11-2019)
'(((((("Delirium"[Mesh])) OR "Delirium"[tiab]) OR "Delirious"[tiab])) AND (((((((("short term broadband noise") OR "nature sounds"[tiab]) OR "music"[tiab]) OR Noise[tiab]) OR ("Acoustic Stimulation/psychology"[Mesh] OR "Acoustic Stimulation/therapeutic use"[Mesh] OR "Acoustic Stimulation/therapy"[Mesh]))) OR "Noise"[Mesh]) OR "white noise") OR "white noise"[tiab]) AND ((((((("Psychomotor Agitation"[Mesh]) OR "Psychomotor Agitation"[tiab]) OR "restless sleep") OR "nocturnal agitation"[tiab]) OR "nocturnal anxiety"[tiab]) OR "nocturnal hyperactivity"[tiab]) OR "nocturnal restlessness")': 4 hits, waarvan 1 geïncludeerd.

3: Medline (PubMed) (07-10-2020)
'"delirium"[tiab] AND "music interventions"[tiab]': 4 hits, waarvan 1 geïncludeerd.


  1. Sibanda, A, Carnes, D, Visentin, D, Cleary, M. (2018) A systematic review of the use of music interventions to improve outcomes for patients undergoing hip or knee surgery. Journal of advanced nursing 75(3), 502-516.
  2. Lin, LW, Weng, SC, Wu, HS, Tsai, LJ, Lin, YL, Yeh, SH. (2018) The Effects of White Noise on Agitated Behaviors, Mental Status, and Activities of Daily Living in Older Adults With Dementia. The journal of nursing research : JNR 26(1), 2-9.