Auteurs: Femke den Hartog, Marieke Smits, Peter Vink
Autorisators: Peter Vink


1: (05-04-2023)
'blaaskatheter': 1 hits, waarvan 0 geïncludeerd.

2: Cochrane Library (05-04-2023)
Filters: Cochrane Systematic Reviews
'(("Urinary Catheters"[Mesh] OR "urinary catheter") AND (time OR evening OR morning)) AND ((("urinary retention"[MeSH Terms] OR "urinary retention")) OR (("urinary tract infection") OR (urinary tract infections[MeSH Terms])) OR (("urinary bladder diseases") OR ("urinary bladder diseases"[MeSH Terms]))) OR ("length of stay[MeSH Terms]" OR "length of stay")': 59 hits, waarvan 1 geïncludeerd.

3: Medline (PubMed) (05-04-2023)
Filters: Systematic Reviews
'((("Hospitals"[Mesh] OR hospital)) AND ((("Urinary Catheters"[Mesh] OR "urinary catheter") AND (time OR evening OR morning)))) AND ((((("urinary retention"[MeSH Terms] OR "urinary retention")) OR (("urinary tract infection") OR (urinary tract infections[MeSH Terms]))) OR (("urinary bladder diseases") OR ("urinary bladder diseases"[MeSH Terms]))) OR (length of stay[MeSH Terms] OR "length of stay"))': 15 hits, waarvan 0 geïncludeerd.

4: Medline (PubMed) (05-04-2023)
Filters: Randomized Controlled Trials, na 2007
'((("Hospitals"[Mesh] OR hospital)) AND ((("Urinary Catheters"[Mesh] OR "urinary catheter") AND (time OR evening OR morning)))) AND ((((("urinary retention"[MeSH Terms] OR "urinary retention")) OR (("urinary tract infection") OR (urinary tract infections[MeSH Terms]))) OR (("urinary bladder diseases") OR ("urinary bladder diseases"[MeSH Terms]))) OR (length of stay[MeSH Terms] OR "length of stay"))': 42 hits, waarvan 0 geïncludeerd.

Tabel van Terminologie

Stap 1 & 2

Patient: Intervention: Comparison: Outcome:
Er zijn trefwoorden voor elk (relevant) onderdeel van de PICO.
De trefwoorden zijn zo klein mogelijk.
De trefwoorden passen bij de PICO.
De trefwoorden zijn correct Engels.
Er is correct gebruik gemaakt van MeSH termen.


  1. (Verzorgenden & Verpleegkundigen Nederland), V&VN. (2013) Richtlijn Katheterisatie : Urethrale en suprapubische verblijfskatheters bij volwassenen richtlijn .
  2. Griffiths, R, Fernandez, R. (2007) Strategies for the removal of short-term indwelling urethral catheters in adults. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews (2), CD004011.
  3. Webster, J, Osborne, S, Woollett, K, Shearer, J, Courtney, M, Anderson, D. (2006) Does evening removal of urinary catheters shorten hospital stay among general hospital patients? A randomized controlled trial. Journal of wound, ostomy, and continence nursing : official publication of The Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society 33(2), 156-63.
  4. Nollen, JM, Pijnappel, L, Schoones, JW, Peul, WC, Van Furth, WR, Brunsveld-Reinders, AH. (2022) Impact of early postoperative indwelling urinary catheter removal: A systematic review. Journal of clinical nursing .
  5. Duchalais, E, Larson, DW, Machairas, N, Mathis, KL, Dozois, EJ, Kelley, SR. (2018) Outcomes of Early Removal of Urinary Catheter Following Rectal Resection for Cancer. Annals of surgical oncology 26(1), 79-85.