Auteurs: Jolanda de Jongh, Anouk van de Heysteeg - van Dijk, Yvonne , Natalie
Autorisators: Peter Vink


1: (07-05-2021)

2: Cochrane Library (18-11-2022)
Filters: cochrane reviews
'("Vascular Access Devices"[Mesh] OR "Catheterization, Peripheral"[Mesh] OR "Administration, Intravenous"[Mesh] OR "Infusions, Parenteral"[Mesh] OR peripheral OR catheter OR cannula OR intravenous OR infusion) AND (intermittent:ti OR disconnect OR flush*) AND (dislocate* OR "Infections"[Mesh] OR infection OR flebitis OR ("Veins"[Mesh] AND "Infections"[Mesh]) AND (infus*):ti': 19 hits, waarvan 1 geïncludeerd.

3: Medline (PubMed) (18-11-2022)
Filters: Systematic Reviews
'(periph*[Title]) AND (("Vascular Access Devices"[Mesh] OR "Catheterization, Peripheral"[Mesh] OR "Administration, Intravenous"[Mesh] OR "Infusions, Parenteral"[Mesh] OR peripheral OR catheter OR cannula OR intravenous OR infusion)) AND flush*': 12 hits, waarvan 1 geïncludeerd.

4: Medline (PubMed) (18-11-2022)
Filters: Randomized Controlled Trial
'(periph*[Title]) AND (("Vascular Access Devices"[Mesh] OR "Catheterization, Peripheral"[Mesh] OR "Administration, Intravenous"[Mesh] OR "Infusions, Parenteral"[Mesh] OR peripheral OR catheter OR cannula OR intravenous OR infusion)) AND flush*': 34 hits, waarvan 3 geïncludeerd.

Tabel van Terminologie

Stap 1 & 2

Patient: Intervention: Comparison: Outcome:
Er zijn trefwoorden voor elk (relevant) onderdeel van de PICO.
De trefwoorden zijn zo klein mogelijk.
De trefwoorden passen bij de PICO.
De trefwoorden zijn correct Engels.
Er is correct gebruik gemaakt van MeSH termen.


  1. Flint, A, McIntosh, D, Davies, MW. (2005) Continuous infusion versus intermittent flushing to prevent loss of function of peripheral intravenous catheters used for drug administration in newborn infants. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews (4), CD004593.
  2. Kleidon, TM, Keogh, S, Flynn, J, Schults, J, Mihala, G, Rickard, CM. (2019) Flushing of peripheral intravenous catheters: A pilot, factorial, randomised controlled trial of high versus low frequency and volume in paediatrics. Journal of paediatrics and child health 56(1), 22-29.